past trauma, weight loss, stop smoking, anxiety, fertility and hypnobirthing hypnotherapist based in derby

We all want to be the best and happiest that we can, let me help you on your path to becoming the real you.

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Hypnotherapy is nothing new and has been around forever. It is a trance like state where you're subconscious accepts positive suggestions that will benefit you.

We all experience trance like states on a daily basis. For example when you drive and arrive at your destination yet can't remember how, or being immersed in a book or tv programme. There are lots of misconceptions around hypnosis but you as a client are completely aware, in fact more aware of your surroundings and in total control of the session.

It is scientifically proven that when we think pleasant thoughts our body produces chemicals that improve our immune system and make us feel good.

Contact Claire

hypnotherapist derby, hypnoslimmer alvaston

I'm Claire a Clinical Hypnotherapist, a licensed Hypnoslimmer consultant registered with the GHR.

I have worked for many years with in a Social Care setting and have seen how trauma, anxiety, stress, addictions and unwanted habits can affect anyone of us at different times in our lives. Many of us carry with us past trauma that needs to be reframed and released so we can go on to live happy and fulfilled lives.

Contact Claire


Mobile: 07742 349147


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